5 Benefits of Journaling for Mental & Emotional Well-Being


There’s something healing about putting pen to paper. Thoughts are being released onto the paper through the pen in your hand. Mind to hand.  The benefits of journaling begin immediately!

 My Journaling Journey:


Years ago, I would write 3 pages in a journal every morning. The writing practice was called “morning pages” (The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron). The idea is to sit and write anything that comes to mind until the 3 pages are full.

Mornings are best, because the mind has yet to become full and distracted from the day. You can even write a to-do list if you like.

I did this practice for a long time. Sometimes I would capture the dream I just awoke from. Other times I would tell what my cats were doing at the moment. The beauty of it is that it doesn’t matter what you write. The practice alone has a way of cleaning the mental slate, so to speak, so you can start your day fresh.

If it helps your motivation, buy a pretty journal or one that reflects your personality. That way you may be more excited to write in it!

Pretty journals

Fancy journal or not, the important thing is to simply write (but you may get more enjoyment with a pretty journal…just saying. 😉 )

For one reason or another, I had stopped my daily writing practice. Every once in a while, I would pick up my journal and scribble out emotions, thoughts, feelings, worries. But I wasn’t consistent.  And as with any practice, consistency is key!

As time went on, I noticed I needed to write. I needed to work out what was going on in my head and my life. My brain was muddled by keeping all of those thoughts and emotions in.  I needed it all of that out!!

Gif of David Schitt, Get out!

On to the 5 Benefits:

In the past few months, I have been consistently journaling. I have found these 5 benefits to be true:

  1. Mental clarity: When there’s confusion or uncertainty in your life journaling helps put things in perspective so you’re able to focus on what’s important.
  2. Processing emotions: If you’re experiencing loss, depression, or any feeling that is heavy, journaling provides an outlet, so you’re not as burdened by the weight of that emotion.
  3. Self-Discovery: As you write about any thoughts, feelings, happenings, dreams, wants, needs, etc… you uncover parts about yourself that you may not have realized. You can step back and read what you just wrote. You may be surprised!  (I created a 31-day Self-Discovery Journal for you!) 
  4. Self-care: Yes, journaling is a form of self-care. You are, actually, honoring what your body and mind need to get rid of any negative thoughts and feelings so you may feel and be better.
  5. Reducing stress: We’re exposed to constant visual and verbal “noise” every second of every day. We may be unaware of the toll it takes on our stress-levels. So, any time you can let go of mental and emotional clutter from your mind to paper you are releasing stress.

I do hope this has been helpful and you feel encouraged to begin your own journaling practice so you can, too, reap the benefits of journaling.

Related Resource:
Click here for the 31-day Self-Discovery Journal.
Click here for Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way